This website is owned by RO AVIATION LTD (hereinafter RO Aviation) with registered offices at 3rd floor, The Pinnacle, Station Way, Crawley, RH10 1JH, United Kingdom.

Intellectual and industrial property The design of the website and its source codes, as well as the logos, trademarks, images, animated videos and other distinctive signs that appear on it, have been acquired, redesigned and belong to RO Aviation and are also protected by intellectual and industrial property rights.

Any use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is strictly forbidden unless expressly authorized by RO Aviation. 

Access to services:

in some cases, forms need to be filled out in order to request or register for the services available on this website, in which case personal data may be collected in order to provide the services requested. All processing of personal data will be governed by the Privacy Policy that applies to this Website.

The data provided for access to the services must be true, accurate, complete, and up to date, with the user being solely liable for any damage or harm, whether direct or indirect, that may be caused to RO Aviation or to any third party due to their falsehood, inaccuracy, insufficiency, or lack of relevance.

Providing inaccurate or incomplete data may lead to deficiencies in the services requested, or even make it impossible to provide them.

Information on cookies

Information about the cookies used on this website can be found in the Cookies Policy.

Information on protecting personal data

Detailed information on the processing of personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy.


The user shall be solely liable for any infringements that may be incurred or damage or harm that may be caused to third parties through improper and unlawful use of this website and the information contained herein.

RO Aviation is not liable for the content, accuracy or relevance of any information posted or linked to by other natural or legal persons through the website or other systems.

RO Aviation is not liable for the legality of any third-party sites its website may be accessed from, nor for any sites linked to from its website.

In accordance with RO Aviation ’ Privacy Policy, the data provided by users will not be used for purposes other than those expressed in each case, nor will they be provided to third parties.

RO Aviation reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to modify and expand content, information, applications, etc.

Accessing this website makes you a User and implies that you fully and unreservedly accept all the provisions set out in this Disclaimer, meaning you should refrain from accessing it if you disagree with any of the conditions established.

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy of RO AVIATION LTD (hereinafter, RO Aviation) is governed by compliance with current legislation on personal data protection.

Data controller

All personal data collected directly from the data subject will be processed confidentially and will be incorporated in the associated processing activity, owned by RO Aviation with registered address at 3rd floor, The Pinnacle, Station Way, Crawley, RH10 1JH, United Kingdom.

The user may contact us to resolve any doubts about the processing of his/her personal data, either at the above postal address or by email at for the attention of the Data Protection Delegate.

Purpose of personal data processing

All data provided in the different forms on the RO Aviation website or on the website of any of its departments, as well as in the different administrative procedures that may be initiated by RO Aviation, will be processed solely and exclusively for the purposes foreseen in each form or administrative procedure and for integration in the information systems of the relevant organization.

The purpose of the data processing corresponds to each of the processing activities carried out by RO Aviation.

Moreover, when visiting our website, data is automatically sent from your browser to our server in order to optimize our services and improve your user experience. See the Cookies Policy for further information.

Data types

Personal data may be collected through physical and digital forms hosted on this website, through emails, as well as automatically through cookies when visiting our website.

The types of data collected through forms and emails are:

• Contact form: Personal identification data, Personal contact data, Business unit queried, Query.

• CV submission form: Personal identification data, Personal contact data, Professional profile, CV, Candidate message.

The website may also collect data about the user’s IP address, the date and time of the visit, the URL of the website arrived from, the pages visited on our website, or information about the user’s browser. See the Cookies Policy for further information.

Source of data

The source of the data to be processed in accordance with this document is the data subject or his/her legal representative, i.e. any legal or natural person acting on his/her behalf; private entities that have prior, express consent to use the data and communicate them to us; Public Administrations; as well as sources accessible to the public (state journals, official websites of private organizations, administrations and public bodies, etc.).

Whenever such organizations provide us with data, they guarantee that they are empowered to do so, that the data are true, truthful, accurate and up to date, and that the data were not obtained using identity theft.

If this is not the case, the data subject undertakes to assume liability for any infringement or fine imposed on RO Aviation as a result of this breach of personal data protection regulations.

Legitimation to process your data

Data processing is carried out in order to ensure the quality of the services offered by RO Aviation and to successfully implement a contractual agreement, and/or may also be based on the consent of the data subjects, which must be provided through a clear affirmative action.

The legal basis for all processing activities involving data collected through the forms can be seen in the disclaimer provided along with each form.

Time limits for storing your data

All personal data provided will be retained for as long as necessary in order to meet the purpose they were collected for, and to determine any liabilities that may arise from this purpose, in addition to the periods set out in regulations on filing and documentation.

Recipients we may communicate your data to

The data you provide may be communicated to third parties for purposes directly related to the legitimate functions of both parties, e.g. to organizations or bodies that data communications must be made to by law.

Furthermore, you are hereby informed that RO Aviation has subcontracted hosting, backup and maintenance services for its personal data processing systems to data processors located in the European Union.

Whenever supplier companies located outside the EU have access to personal data in connection with the provision of an ancillary service, only companies with sufficient guarantees to meet European data protection requirements will be chosen.

Security measures

RO Aviation will implement the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the security of personal data and prevent any alteration, loss, unauthorized access or processing, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks they are exposed to, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment.

Rights of the data subject

Moreover, in accordance with the rights set out in current data protection legislation, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, erasure, portability and opposition to processing of your personal data. This can be done by sending a written, signed request to the postal address indicated above or by email to, attaching a photocopy of your National Identity Card or other ID document. Any changes in your data must also be notified using one of the addresses indicated above.